
Best Dog Friendly Hikes in the Bay Area

August 26th, 2015

redwood park dog friendlyIf you want to get your weekend adventure in and don’t want to leave your dog behind, here are the best dog friendly hikes in the bay area:


Bolinas Ridge Trail: Around Point Reyes, you can take anywhere from a 2 to 20 mile hike, and then hit up Olema or Point Reyes Station for great food (Marin Sun Farm Café, Bovine Bakery, Tomales Bay Foods). You can also pack a picnic and set up by the shores or the lighthouse with your dog and watch the sun set.


Wildcat Canyon: Bring your water for this hike – it’s steep. But you’ll be rewarded with an incredible view of the Bay Bridge, Mt. Tamalpais, and the hills of Benicia. A tip on finding the right entrance: Don’t go to the Tilden side, which does not allow dogs at all. Go to the northwest entrance on Park Street. When you turn onto Park Street, go past what looks like the obvious entrance (this path will take you to a ton of picnic tables and play areas for kids) and continue up the street to the Alvarado Staging Area. This entrance takes you to a parking lot and the Wildcat Creek trailhead.


Sweeney Ridge: You can access the trail from a two different trailheads. If you want easy, enter from the west on Sneath Lane off of Highway 280. Head south at the restroom to Portola Gate (nothing special but a nice walk) before you turn north to the missile site. If you want grueling, start Sweeney Ridge Trail from the north at Skyline College and climb a veritable stairway to heaven; if it’s a clear day, you’ll be rewarded with views of the Pacific Ocean and Mt. Tamalpais.


Kennedy-Limekiln-Priest Rock: You can enter the Sierra Azul area a few different ways. But if you want the “secret,” less congested route, start off of Kennedy Road on the Kennedy Trail. The full loop is 13.8 miles, so give yourself plenty of time to complete it. Then you can pop into Los Gatos for lunch or dinner.